Tuesday, 5 April 2011

I do...

April has arrived, the countdown to the Royal Wedding has officially begun, and whether you’re a diehard Royalist or full blown anarchist there is no escaping it. Brands, the media and entrepreneurs alike are all after a slice of the action (or should that be cake!) With everyone from LegoLand to PoundLand cashing in on ‘Royal Fever’ it’s the common consensus that the whole of Britain are planning Street parties, trips to London, and good old fashioned family gatherings round the telly to see if Kate's dress and of course much coveted barnett will live up to the hype. 

But has Britain really turned into a nation of pro-monarchy, corgi-loving royalists? Or is it all just media propaganda to fill the dreary news pages with something other than tales of natural disasters, the sorry state of the economy, and government cuts? 

According to a new survey from CitySocialising UK’s leading online2offline socialising network for young professionals, only 38% of Brits actually planned to watch the wedding. It would also appear that all this talk of street parties and picnics in the London parks under the big screens are a completely groundless as only 10% of Brits have made special plans to watch the wedding – Looks like Boris can call of the extra policing.
Personally ever since i watched Helen Mirren's portrayal of The Queen, i have found myself warming to the Royal family - Ironic given the very reason i have a new found respect for our Liz was down to her stoic composure in the face of a nation in mourning! I believe like Liz, that as Brits we should live up to the stereotyped image of the stiff upper lip and reserve any displays of emotion (or indeed affection) for the privacy of our own homes or at a push funerals and weddings -  and even then we're talking direct family only!
I believe the very purpose of the Royal Family If nothing else aside from the tourism they bring is to provide resolve and reprieve in the face of adversity and hardship, just take 'The Kings Speech' - who has ever been so happy at hearing they're a nation at war!??!!  I don't think it's any coincidence that the wedding has been planned for this year , especially given their 'thrifty' - we can cut back on still be happy'' theme! They are a family who have to put the needs of their country before their own personal interests (well maybe not Harry)  besides which i'm sure Katy was collecting dust up on that shelf.
As to whether i'm looking forward to it, If i'm honest, I can't wait - and it's not just down to the extra time away from the desk (I wont lie, it helps). However I think that in these 'uncertain' times when we're constantly being bombarded with news of unemployment, rising living costs and a complete lack of faith in our Government , it's come at the exact point when we do need  a reminder of what it feels to have a sense of pride and belonging in our Country. 
So Wills and Kate, I shall raise a glass - or several - to you on your big day, safe in the knowledge that not only have I got 3 days to recover but also that you will have united Britons and tourists alike on the streets of London for an assemble that for once doesn't involve smashing up banks, burning effigies of Nick Clegg, or hauling Fire Extinguishers at unsuspecting police officers... Although admittedly it's early days....